Which Materials are Best for Making Kitchen Cabinets?
It is possible to use several very different materials to create kitchen cabinets. Homeowners do not typically have to worry about the effects of moisture on kitchen cabinets, but it is a more serious problem in bathroom cabinets. They will have more options in the kitchen than they will in the bathroom.
People often need a material that can handle the various hazards that can arise in a kitchen setting. There are lots of materials like this, and they can all be used to make fantastic and fashionable kitchen cabinets.
Stainless Steel
A stainless-steel kitchen cabinet will instantly make a lot of rooms look much more stylish and strikingly modern. These are often featured in homes that have a much more minimalist general design than older homes. A lot of homeowners appreciate the fact that stainless steel cabinets almost always look clean, regardless of whether or not they have been washed recently.
Of course, these are cabinets that can get scratched relatively easily and noticeably. However, it is still usually easier to get those kinds of problems repaired than it would be with other materials. A lot of people will like the slightly mirrored surfaces that come with these kinds, which can increase the overall brightness of the space.
Some people might worry these are metallic options may rust relatively easily. However, stainless steel has always been resistant to corrosion. Using most metallic materials in kitchen cabinets is often not a very good idea because of the moisture levels in an average kitchen. When people prepare anything that releases a lot of water vapor into the air, that moisture can eventually have a negative effect on cabinetry that were not truly designed for space.
However, stainless steel cabinetry really is perfect for the kitchen. They are even less likely to be strongly affected by heat and fire, which makes them truly unique among a lot of different kitchen cabinet materials. Even the people who take steps to avoid fires can never guarantee that a fire is not going to happen in their kitchen. If it does happen, and they have a lot of different stainless-steel cabinets, the fire at least will not be quite as severe as it would be otherwise.
Few materials are quite as stable as plywood. The average homeowner is not going to have to worry about cabinetry like this failing them at any point in the near future. The solid nature of plywood can help a lot of people design kitchens that will not have to be remodeled for years.
The fact that this is a material that is also highly resistant to most types of chemicals should also help anyone. While they might not think of the different food ingredients as being chemical in nature, even the complex arrangement of chemicals in foods can have an effect on furniture and the other surfaces in kitchens.
The average homeowner will not intentionally try to smear anything on their cabinets, but all sorts of minor scuffs and scratches can have an effect on different kitchen surfaces over time. When people use plywood instead, they might be able to avoid a lot of very different issues that can come from the minor scuffs and smudges that can occur over time.
They also will not have to worry about using the incorrect cleaning material when they decide to clean their kitchen cabinets, at least within reason. Most cleaning supplies are compatible with plywood and similar types of cabinet materials. A lot of people will like the practical aspects of plywood kitchen cabinetry, even though it is not always the best aesthetically.
Still, it is possible to use all sorts of materials to create very stylish cabinetry, so people should not make any assumptions about what their cabinetry will look like based on their materials.
Homeowners who choose particleboard based on its environmental benefits can choose hardboard for the exact same reason. This is definitely a type of material that should have a relatively minor effect on the environment.
Individuals who want to have kitchens that look like they are made from wood without the associated costs can certainly consider the other benefits of using hardwood, although that benefit might be enough. Wooden kitchen cabinets are not always as sustainable as the cabinets that are made from other materials. They can also be tough to clean, and they might not always be as durable as some of their competitors.
Hardboard, on the other hand, really will last. It is a tough material that is not going to give problems with rust or insects. People who want to get hardboard cabinetrry installed will not have to worry as much about various hazards. While companies like Authentic Custom Cabinetry will make sure to offer installation services for their customers, people will still want cabinets that are not overly challenging to get installed in the first place. This is the case with hardboard.
Individuals interested in sustainability frequently choose particleboard cabinetry. Particleboard is largely made using material that would actually not be usable otherwise, making it great for the environment for people to decide to give it a try.
People will spend less money on particleboard than they will on almost all of the other materials that are used to make cabinetry. The individuals who are planning on adding a lot of cabinets to their kitchens, like those interested in horseshoe kitchens, should consider particleboard.
Kitchen Remodeling Professionals
Any homeowner interested in the different materials that they can use to remodel their space can contact us today at Authentic Custom Cabinetry, in order to truly get a sense of which cabinets they would like. These are fully customized kitchen cabinets, and our company uses a wide range of different products and materials in our cabinetry.
Most homeowners should be able to find the exact material that they would like at the right time, they just need to make sure that they have considered all of the associated benefits. To find out more about how you can upgrade your kitchen and home, contact us today.
Categorised in: Custom Cabinets, Home Improvement, Kitchen Cabinets