Should You Go with Framed or Frameless Cabinets in Your Home?

August 26, 2019

If you are in the process of refurbishing your kitchen, you know just how many different options you have for everything from appliances to drawers. Something else to consider during your renovation project is your cabinets. Both framed and frameless cabinets in Las Vegas, NV are options for you that offer different benefits. Read on to learn how to decide which cabinet type is better for your kitchen.

Benefits of Framed Cabinets

First things first, framed cabinets are usually less expensive than unframed ones. For those who are on a tight budget, this is important to consider. There’s nearly a $1,000 difference between the average cost of framed and frameless cabinets in Las Vegas, NV.

Additionally, framed cabinets are available in numerous styles, whereas frameless ones have fewer options available. If you are going for a very specific aesthetic in your new kitchen, you’ll most likely opt for framed cabinets that align with the look you want to achieve. Framed cabinets are available with three door styles that you can choose from: full overlay, semi overlay and inset. This is not the case with frameless cabinets.

Depending on how your home was built, framed cabinets are usually the better option when walls are uneven. Frameless cabinets do not fit well into spaces with uneven areas and can lead to issues if installed. Furthermore, framed cabinets installed on uneven walls are far sturdier and more secure than frameless ones. The frame provides the support necessary to hold the weight of the items you’ll store in there.

Overall, framed cabinets also provide more support than frameless cabinets. This means you are less likely to see damage or experience issues with your cabinets down the road.

Benefits of Frameless Cabinets

While frameless cabinets aren’t available in as many styles as their framed counterparts, they do offer a clean, sleek and modern look to your kitchen. This contemporary aesthetic works well with many interior design styles. If you want doorless cabinets, this is easier to do without a frame. This aesthetic really opens up a space, if that is the look you are wanting to achieve.

Without frames to install, frameless cabinets are installed faster, saving you time and potentially money on the cost of labor. To make up for the frame, thicker materials are used to construct frameless cabinets, making them more durable.

Without a frame or stiles in the center, the interior space of your frameless is greater than that of framed ones. That means more capacity for dishes, pots, pans and other stored items. If you’re a home chef with lots of equipment and supplies, this will be extremely important to you. With more space, frameless cabinets are more functional and easier to use than framed ones.

We take pride in our custom-made cabinets built with precision, care and accuracy. Work with a company you can trust to get the job done correctly the first time. Contact Authentic Custom Cabinetry to hire a fully-licensed, insured and bonded contractor to take care of your custom cabinets in Phoenix, AZ and Las Vegas, NV! Kitchen cabinets, bathroom cabinets, office cabinets, and more. Contact us today for details!

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